Why This Blesbian loves QOC (cock)


by Akilah Monifa

I am a blesbian (black lesbian) blogger.  I am a Baby Boomer and as co-publisher/founder and Editor-In-Chief of an online start-up, Arise 2.0, I am weary of the alphabet soup.

I am a member of NLGJA (National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association), insiders call it neglige or even before our President-elect, simply “the gays”; I am also a member of NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists) and locally BABJA (Bay Area Black Journalists Association) pronounced just as it is spelled.  BTW, we never call ourselves “the blacks”.

I know that one time LGBTQIA (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Allies) was all the rage.

I was never down with the NAACP (National Association of Colored People) but I was colored, then black, then African-American, then of African descent.

The N word did and still does bother me.  The Q word does not.  I am all about reclaiming and declaring my own identity.

So enough with the alphabet soup, I am not down with O-P-P either.  You know me.

So for simplicity, this blesbian blogger is down with QOC (Queers of Color) pronounced COCK my friend and Film Editor for Arise 2.0, Lucho Ramirez, and I have decided.

What say you, are you down with QOC?

Peace, love, gratitude, compassion, and blessings.

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